Thursday, August 20, 2015



 In 1908 Henry Ford began production of the Model T automobile. Based on his original Model, a design first manufactured in 1903, the Model T took five year to develop. Its creation inaugurated what we know today as the mass production assembly line. This revolutionary idea was based on the concept of simply assembling interchangeable component parts. Prior to this time, coaches and buggies had been hand-built in small numbers by specialized craftspeople who rarely duplicated any particular unit. Ford’s innovative design reduced the number of parts needed as well as the number of skilled fitters who always formed the bulk of the assembly operations, giving Ford a tremendous advantage over his competition.
     Ford’s first venture into automobile assembly with the Model A involved setting up assembly stands on which the whole vehicle was built, usually by a single assembler who fit an entire section of the car together in one place. This person performed the same activity over and over at this stationary assembly stand. To provide for more efficiency, Ford had parts delivered as needed to each work station. In this way each assembly fitter took about 8.5 hours to complete his assembly task. By the time the Model T was being developed Ford had decided to use multiple assembly stands with assemblers moving from stand to stand, each performing a specific function. This process reduced each worker completely familiar with a specific task

Ford soon recognized that walking from stand to stand wasted time and created jam-ups in the production process as faster workers overtook slower ones. In Detroit in 1913, he solved this problem by introducing the first moving assembly line, a conveyor that moved the vehicle past a stationary assembler. By eliminating the need for workers to move between stations, Ford cut the assembly task for each workers from 2.5 minutes to just under 2 minutes; the moving assembly conveyor could now place the stationary worker. The first conveyor line consisted of metal strips to which the vehicle’s wheels were attached. The metal strips were attached to a belt that rolled the length of the factory and the, beneath the floor, returned to the beginning area. This reduction in the amount of human effort required to assemble an automobile caught the attention of automobile assemblers throughout the world. Ford’s mass production drove the automobile industry for nearly five decades and was eventually adopted by almost every other industrial manufacturer. Although technological advancements have enabled many improvements to modern day automobile assembly operations, the basic concept of stationary workers installing parts on a vehicle as it passes their work stations has not changed drastically over the years.
rk station. In this way each assembly fitter took about 8.5 hours to complete his assembly task. By the time the Model T was being developed Ford had decided to use multiple assembly stands with assemblers moving from stand to stand, each performing a specific function. This process reduced each worker completely familiar with a specific task
     Introducing a new model of automobile generally takes three to five years from inception to assembly. Ideas for new models are developed to respond to unmet public needs and preference. Trying to predict what the public will want to drive in five years is no small feat, yet automobile companies have successfully designed automobiles that fit public tastes. With the help of computer-aided design equipment, designers develop basic concept drawings that help the visualize the proposed vehicle’s appearance. Based on this simulation, they then construct clay models that can be studied by styling experts familiar with what the public is likely to accept. Aerodynamic engineers also review the models, studying air-flow parameters and doing feasibility studies on crash tests. Only after all models have been reviewed and accepted are tool designers permitted to begin building the tools that will manufacturer the component parts of the new model.
     Although the bulk of an automobile is virgin steel, petroleum-based products (plastics and vinyl’s) have come to represent an increasingly large percentage of automotive components. The light-weight materials derived from petroleum have helped to lighten some models by as much as thirty percent. As the price of fossil fuels continues to raise, the preference for lighter, more fuel efficient vehicles will become more pronounced.
     Ford India Private Limited began production in 1926, but was shut down in 1954 as the company was in loss. Ford re-entered the market in October 1995 as Mahindra Ford India Limited (MFIL), A 50-50 joint venture with Mahindra & Mahindra Limited. Ford increased its interest to 72% in march 1998 and renamed the company Ford India Private Limited. The total investments made by Ford Motor Company since it set shop in1995 stands $2 billion as of April 2012.
     FIPL’S main manufacturing plant located in Maraimalai Nagar, 45 km from Chennai has a capacity to produce 1,50,000 cars on a two-shift basis and 2,00,000 with three shifts. In 2010-11, the company’s production crossed the 1,00,000 mark. As its new hatchback Figo was launched in march 2010, Ford Motor Company has invested $500 million to double capacity of the plant to 200,000 vehicles annually and setting up a facility to make 250,000 engines annually. The engine plant opened for operations from January 2010. To meet the growing domestic demand and with an eye on engine exports, the company has invested $72 million to raise engine production capacity to 330,000 units.
     The company is rolling out the urban SUV Ford Ecosport in June 2013. It had announced a $142-million investment on this. With Ford Ecosport, the Chennai plant will ramp up to full capacity (200,000 units). Last year, production touched 127,000 units.
     The company is going to launch the compact sedan Ford Figo Aspire within this year 2015( In Process………..)
     As part of its plan to launch 8 new vehicles by 2015, the car maker is pumping in an investment of $1 billion for a new state-of-the-art manufacturing plant at Sanand, Gujarat. The plant is coming up on 460 acre site. It will have an Initial installed capacity to manufacture 2,70,000 engines and 2,40,000 vehicles per year. Coming up alongside the plant is the supplier park spread across 150 acres and the company has attracted 19 world-class supplier manufacturers to date. The plant is expected to commence production by 2014. Once the Sanand plant is fully operational, Ford India will have a cumulative capacity to make 440,000 cars and 610,000 engines annually.
Current Models:
1. Ford Classic (Launched 2005)
2. Ford Figo (Launched 2010)
3. Ford Fiesta (Launched 2011)
4. FoedEcosport (Launched 2013)
5. Ford Figo Aspire (In Process….. 2015)
1.      Ford Ikon (1999-2010)
2.      Ford Mondeo (2001-2006)
3.      Ford Fusion (2004-2010)
4.      Ford Endeavour (2003-2014)
     As of February 2013, FIPL has 260 dealership across 138 cities in 23 states an in 3 union Territories of India. In the year 2010, FIPL recorded sales of 83,887 vehicles against 29,488 vehicles sold during the year 2009 and registered a sales growth of 172%
     Ford India currently exports 40 percent of its engine production and 25 percent of its car production to 35 countries, some of them is South Africa, Italy, Nepal, Mexico, Kenya, Bahrain, Ghana, Iraq, Liberia, Lebanon, Malawi, Madagascar, Mauritius, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, UAE, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
     Ford India’s CSR activities are focused primarily in four key areas such as road safety, education, healthcare and environment.
A regional initiative to raise awareness about safe, economic and eco-friendly driving through a free-training program that mixes classroom learning with practical hands-on sessions. DSFL program was launched in India in August 2009. In partnership with its dealers, Ford India has also trained 4500 drivers since launch Ford Motor Company’s successful Driving Skills For Life (DSFL) training programme that educates new and older licensed drivers of all ages on safe, economical and eco-friendly driving practices.
     Ford India has successfully completed the on going capacity expansion at its Chennai Engine Plant, ramping up annual engine production to 340,000 cars. Manufacturing nearly 17 variants of petrol and diesel engines, nearly 40 percent of which will be exported, the facility strategically positions Chennai as a regional small engine hub for Ford. With Chennai;sstate-of-the-art flexi power Train facility rolling out its 400,000th engine, Ford India is set to deliver on the One Ford Plan. In Chennai, India, 17 July, 2012-Ford India today announced it has completed the expansion of its engine plant, increasing annual engine production capacity 36 percent to 340,000 helping transform the facility into a regional small engine hub. The new facility was completed in record time of just over 14 months and creates capacity in manufacturing over additional 80,000 diesel engines annually. The additional capacity will feed the surging demand for diesel power trains in India and growing exports, creating more employment opportunities in the process. The on going expansion has already led to the hiring of 200 employees.
     “We are delighted to see this new addition to our capacity in the Engine Plant as we gear up to move to the next stage of growth in India and the region,” said Michael Bone Ham, president and managing director, Ford India. The facility is the first Ford Plant in the world with single flexible production line manufacturing petrol and diesel engines. It is also the first Ford facility to run a flexible crank shaft production line producing crank shafts, and to have a fully flexible cold test, hot test and Dyno test facility for petrol and diesel engines.
     “We are at an interesting phase of growth with the markets demanding swift responses from manufacturers, and I’m proud to say that with this plant’s amazingly flexible production lines of both petrol and diesel engines, we’re well-poised to move quickly,” Bone ham added. Bone ham recently joined the Engine plant’s chief, BalasundaramRadhakrishnan, Vice-president, power train Operations, Ford India, in cutting a ribbon to mark the roll-out of the 400,000th engine from the plant. “This is a special occasion for all of us at the Chennai Engine Plant. Commissioning this facility in record time is a tremendous milestone and just adds to the many significant achievements this plant has in terms of Quality, Safe, Smart and Green,” said Radhakrishnan.
     “To be rolling out the 400,000th engine from the Chennai plant in just under four years is an outstanding achievements, and one that everyone involved should be extremely proud,” said Gary Johnson , Vice president, Manufacturing, Ford Asia Pacific and Africa, “Ford is currently building seven new plants across Asia Pacific and Africa, and we are making a significant commitment in India, which will see it become a regional hub for law-displacement engine production. “The Chennai Engine plant has delivered several achievements in terms of Ford’s four pillars of Quality, Green, Safe and Smart.
     Ford Motor Company total quality management or TQM practices started in the 1980’s when “Quality Is Job 1” was their slogan. How did TQM work at ford and are they still standing behind this process? Jean Scheid, a Ford Dealer talks with Ford management along with some insight of her own.
     Today at Ford Motor Company, their most popular slogan is “Ford Has a Better Idea”. Back in the 1980’s when Ford Motor Company total quality management practices were vast, the slogan of “Quality Is Job 1” made more sense. In a conversation with Dan Dobbs, a Six Sigma Master Black Belt at for, it was noted that TQM may have worked in the 1980’s, but Six Sigma is the project management methodology of choice these days.
     When TQM, a process improvement methodology based on a customer satisfaction quality-driven process with guidelines set by management was first utilised, it started through a joint venture. Through a partnership with Chemfil, a division of PPG Industries, Ford wanted to produce better quality products, a stable work environment for the workforce, effective management, and profitability; all by the 1990’s “Quality People, Quality Products. “ Through this partnership with paint supplier Chemfil, paint process were developed to ensure that a “quality product that meets customer’s needs translates into financial success.” According to an insider press release obtained from the Ford Media Room. TQM was forefront in their painting design as the process of preparation (based on customer quality standards) was implemented by Chemfil with Ford management and workers informed of all steps needed to follow the application of paint to a quality outcome. Gone were the days of guessing, and TQM meant processes at all levels of production were strictly followed, constantly developed upon, and improved mostly through customer quality satisfaction surveys.
     In 1999, Terry Chenault joined Ford, a risk management specialist who along with phongVU, helped to further the TQM methodology through a consumer Driven Six Sigma process. Says Dan Dabbs today of TQM and Ford, “ It  may have been newsworthy in the 1980’s nut Ford Motor Company Total Quality Management practices really began with Henry Ford. “ That’s true if you look at Toyota’s 5S Best Practices in the production of their cehicles, a methodology decided upon after visiting Henry Ford’s assembly lines. While TQM at the Ford assembly lines looked good to Toyota, they found too much waste and went on to develop their own quality process or 5S.
     According to Dan Dobbs, the Six Sigma Master Black Belt who runs Six Sigma practices at Ford, “Waste and lack of quality on many levels.” This is true especially when you look at the far superior Ford Warranty claim system. As of 2008, the warranty repaire rate for Ford by utilizing Six Sigma decreased by 60% Ford Chief Engineer Art Hyde takes the now implemented Six Sigma a step further saying, “ the design and engineering analysis process makes it possible for problems that previously may not have surfaced until (product) launch, to be caught and corrected in the virtual world through the DMAIC process.”
     The DMAIC process, or define, measure, analyse, improve, and control has “built an overall strategy for consistency in our teams,” continues Hyde of their Six Sigma implementation for 2010 product launches, Dobbs told me, “ The Company’s Quality Operating System or(QOS) is crucial for identifying and correcting problems within the manufacturing facilities.” He goes on to say, “ Six Sigma and QOS implemented in each plant includes cross-functional groups of engineers, plant management, and production specialist-all skilled problem solvers who’ve been trained through Six Sigma.”

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Food drives the ITC truck

·         When ITC declared its results for the last quarter of the year ended March 2015, the numbers seemed to ratify a long-held street expectation: it would have to increasingly depend on non-cigarette FMCG brands for growth. What was also amply clear was that within the FMCG family, food, especially biscuits and flour, was shaping up into a star performer with the personal care portfolio slowly gaining ground.

For three quarters in a row in FY 2015, the cigarettes business showed negative to marginal growth while the non-cigarette FMCG portfolio grew at a steady clip of 10-12 per cent.
·         With some 20-odd brands in its kitty, the non-cigarette FMCG segment clocked Rs 9,038 crore as revenues in the current financial year, growing almost 11 percent. It had grown by 13.7 per cent the previous year.

The FMCG business has attained significant scale over the last 10 years - the share has risen to 27 percent of ITC's total revenues in FY 2015 from 1 percent in 2002.
·         More than half of ITC's revenues come from non-cigarette brands; of this FMCG commands a handsome share and within that, food plays a critical role.

Within the foods segment, the company targets premium customers. In 2001 it entered the business with ready-to-eat brands Kitchens of India.
·         The foods business is close to Rs 6,000 crore in FY2015 according to industry estimates. The company has also increased its market share in biscuits and snacks in the last few years, despite competition from well-entrenched players like Britannia, Parle Products and PepsiCo.
·         While Britannia is a clear leader with around 30 per cent share in the Rs 27,000 crore biscuit market, ITC leads the cream biscuit segment with 27 per cent. ITC recently migrated its popular range of cream biscuits under a new sub-brand 'Bounce' which is the largest cream brand in the industry.
·         "ITC's strategy of targeting the premium segment paid off in cream biscuit category, however cookie still remains Britannia's turf," says an analyst.

ITC's sourcing integration is its strength. "Paper business helps address its large packaging needs, the agri-business provides strategic support to the cigarette and branded packaged foods businesses by ensuring high quality supplies,
·         " Abneesh Roy, associate director, institutional equities, research, Edelweiss wrote in a report. The company also credits its strong distribution network which has helped the brands gain volume and value. Currently, two ITC brands - Aashirwad and Sunfeast - are over Rs 2,000 crore each in terms of annual consumer spend.
·         In the branded packaged wheat flour segment, ITC is the market leader with more than 35 per cent share. Shakti Bhog Atta is a distant second at 12 per cent according to market consulting firm Ikon Marketing Consultants. The savoury snacks segment remains a weak link in an otherwise successful story.
·         "ITC's wafers brand Bingo has 15 per cent market share while Pepsico's Lays has 40 per cent," said the analyst.

The company has recently forayed into the Rs 1,100 crore branded juice market through its B-Natural brand. "ITC, on the back of strong investment behind the brand and success in the food space, will gain market share. Launch of differentiated juice flavours will be a key," said Abneesh Roy.
·         Trade sources indicate that the company's cash flow from cigarettes has permitted it to invest heavily in food businesses.
·         "No other company has invested such sums of money in a single segment across categories," said an executive of a rival FMCG company.
·         While food remains a success story, the challenge is the personal care portfolio pegged at around Rs 1,500 crore. While ITC has been stuck with 2-3 per cent market share in shampoos, in soaps, it is estimated to have a share of 4 per cent, according to analysts.
·         In newer segments such as deodorants, it is estimated to have about 9-10 per cent with Engage beating rivals like Axe (HUL) and Wildstone (McNROE).
·         The company acquired Savlon and Shower to Shower personal care brands from J&J last week, for an estimated Rs 180-200 crore to ramp up its play in the health care category where it will compete against Reckitt Benckiser's Dettol.
·         "These acquisitions, while being small, have potential to be a success story," says Roy of Edelweiss. The rest of ITC's FMCG portfolio, including agarbattis (incense sticks) safety matches, education & stationery products and apparel, is not large and contributes about Rs 1,500 crore to its total non-cigarette FMCG revenue

Way back in 1996, when Y C Deveshwar took charge of ITC, the environment for tobacco business was becoming increasingly difficult.
·         He decided to derisk the company's business model and transform it from a cigarette maker to an FMCG company. At that time the move was opposed by the parent company. But today as the 68-year old veteran chalks up an ambitious plan of turning the FMCG business into a Rs 1-lakh-crore portfolio in the next 15 years, there is little doubt that he did choose the right track.

Gillette not to be Duracell authorised distributer from November 30

·         NEW DELHI: FMCG firm Gillette India BSE 1.12 % today said it will not be the authorised distributer of 'Duracell' batteries in the country from November 30 in the wake of global divestment of 'Duracell' portfolio by its affiliate company, Procter & Gamble International Operations SA.
"The Procter & Gamble company USA has decided to globally divest the business of 'Duracell'. As a result     of such divestiture, Procter & Gamble International Operations SA has decided to terminate the distributor arrangement entered into with the company," Gillette India said in a BSE filing.

·         Gillette has been acting as an authorised distributor of 'Duracell' batteries pursuant to an arrangement entered into with its affiliate company, Procter & Gamble International Operations SA.

·         It further said: "The company has received intimation from Procter & Gamble International Operations SA regarding termination of the distributor agreement...As a result of the termination, the company will not be acting as the distributor of 'Duracell' batteries with effect from November 30, 2015."

·         Shares of Gillette India closed at Rs 4,574.70 apiece on BSE, up 0.20 per cent from their previous close.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), incorporated on February 11, 1947, is a provider of
ü  products,
ü  technologies,
ü  software,

solutions and services to     consumers,
ü  small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and
ü  large enterprises
ü   Government,
ü  health and education sectors.

Its operations are organized into seven segments:
1.    the Personal Systems Group (PSG),
2.    Services,
3.    the Imaging and Printing Group (IPG),
4.    Enterprise Servers,
5.    Storage and Networking (ESSN),
6.    HP Software,
7.    HP Financial Services (HPFS) and Corporate Investments.
The Company’s offerings include
Ø  personal computing and other access devices;
Ø  multi-vendor customer services--- including
Ø  infrastructure technology and business process outsourcing,
Ø  technology support and maintenance,
Ø  application development and support services and consulting and integration services, and
Ø  imaging and printing-related products and services
 It also provides enterprise information technology infrastructure, including
a.    enterprise storage and server technology,
b.    networking products and solutions,
c.    information technology (IT) management software,
d.    information management solutions and security intelligence/risk management solutions.
As of October 31, 2011, HP owned an approximately 99% equity interest in Autonomy Corporation plc.
In December 2011, the Company acquired Hiflex Software GmbH. In January 2014, Qualcomm Inc acquired a patent portfolio from Hewlett-Packard Company.
In March 2012, HP had consolidated PSG and IPG into a Printing and Personal Systems Group. HP continues to report the results of IPG and PSG separately.


The research center of Hewlett-Packard in the Paris-Saclay cluster, France.
HP's global operations are directed from its headquarters in Palo Alto, California, USA.
Its U.S. operations are directed from its facility in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, near Houston.
Ø  Its Latin America offices in unincorporated
Ø  Florida, U.S., near Miami and in Medellín, Colombia.
 Its Europe offices are in
 Meyrin, Switzerland, near Geneva, but it has also a research center in the Paris-Saclay cluster, 20 km in the south of Paris, France.
Its Asia-Pacific offices are in Singapore.
It also has large operations in
ü  Vancouver, Washington;
ü  San Diego; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and
ü  Plano, Texas (the former headquarters of EDS, which HP acquired).
In the UK, HP is based at a large site in Bracknell, Berkshire with offices in various UK locations, including a landmark office tower in London, 88 Wood Street.
 Its recent acquisition of 3Com will expand its employee base to Marlborough, Massachusetts.
The company also has a large workforce and numerous offices at Bangalore, India, to address their back end and IT operations. MphasiS, which is headquartered at Bangalore, also enabled HP to increase their footprint in the city as it was a subsidiary of EDS which the company acquired.

Products and organizational structure

HP office in Japan
HP produces lines of printers, scanners, digital cameras, calculators, PDAs, servers, workstation computers, and computers for home and small-business use;
many of the computers came from the 2002 merger with Compaq. HP as of 2001 promotes itself as supplying not just hardware and software, but also a full range of services to design, implement, and support IT infrastructure.
HP's Imaging and Printing Group (IPG) is "the leading imaging and printing systems provider in the world for printer hardware, printing supplies and scanning devices, providing solutions across customer segments from individual consumers to small and medium businesses to large enterprises".
Products and technology associated with IPG include:
On December 23, 2008, HP released iPrint Photo for iPhone, a free downloadable software application that allows the printing of 4" x 6" photos.[79]
HP's Personal Systems Group (PSG) claims to be "one of the leading vendors of personal computers ("PCs") in the world based on unit volume shipped and annual revenue."[78] PSG deals with:
  • business PCs and accessories
  • consumer PCs and accessories, (e.g., HP Pavilion, Compaq Presario, VoodooPC)
  • handheld computing (e.g., iPAQ Pocket PC)
  • digital "connected" entertainment (e.g., HP MediaSmart TVs, HP MediaSmart Servers, HP MediaVaults, DVD+RW drives)
HP resold the Apple iPod until November 2005.
HP Enterprise Business (EB) incorporates HP Technology Services, Enterprise Services (an amalgamation of the former EDS, and what was known as HP Services), HP Enterprise Security Services oversees professional services such as network security, information security and information assurance/ compliancy, HP Software Division, and Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking Group (ESSN). The Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking Group (ESSN) oversees "back end" products like storage and servers. HP Networking (former ProCurve) is responsible for the NW family of products. They are a business unit of ESSN.
An HP camera with an SDIO interface, designed for use in conjunction with a Pocket PC
HP Software Division is the company's enterprise software unit. For years,[when?] HP has produced and marketed its brand of enterprise-management software, HP OpenView. From September 2005 HP purchased several software companies as part of a publicized, deliberate strategy to augment its software offerings for large business customers.[80] HP Software sells several categories of software, including:
HP Software also provides software as a service (SaaS), cloud computing solutions, and software services, including consulting, education, professional services, and support.

HP's Office of Strategy and Technology[81] has four main functions:
  1. steering the company's $3.6 billion research and development investment
  2. fostering the development of the company's global technical community
  3. leading the company's strategy and corporate development efforts,[82]
  4. performing worldwide corporate marketing activities
Under the Office of Strategy and Technology comes HP Labs, the research arm of HP. Founded in 1966, HP Labs aims to deliver new technologies and to create business opportunities that go beyond HP's current strategies.
Examples of recent HP Labs technology includes the Memory spot chip of 2006. HP IdeaLab further provides a web forum on early-state innovations to encourage open feedback from consumers and the development community.
HP also offers managed services by which they provide complete IT-support solutions for other companies and organizations. Some examples of these include:
  • offering "Professional Support" and desktop "Premier Support" for Microsoft in the EMEA marketplace. This is done from the Leixlip campus near Dublin, Sofia and Israel. Support is offered on the line of Microsoft operation systems, Exchange, Sharepoint and some office-applications.[84]
  • outsourced services for companies like Bank of Ireland, some UK banks, the U.S. defense forces.


The founders, known to friends and employees alike as Bill and Dave, developed a unique management style that came to be known as "The HP Way". In Bill's words, the HP Way is "a core ideology ... which includes a deep respect for the individual, a dedication to affordable quality and reliability, a commitment to community responsibility, and a view that the company exists to make technical contributions for the advancement and welfare of humanity."The following are the tenets of The HP Way:
  1. We have trust and respect for individuals.
  2. We focus on a high level of achievement and contribution.
  3. We conduct our business with uncompromising integrity.
  4. We achieve our common objectives through teamwork.
  5. We encourage flexibility and innovation.

Subsequent o the fiscal year ended October 31, 2011, the Company completed five others realignments, which included  the
1)    transfer of Indigo and Scitex support and  the LaserJet and  enterprise solutions trade support business from the technology services (TS) business unit within Services to the Commercial Hardware business unit within IPG;
2)    the transfer of the TippingPoint business from the Networking business unit within ESSN to Software;
3)    the transfer of the business intelligence services business from Corporate Investments to a Application and Business Services (ABS) business unit within Services;
4)    the consolidation of the Application Services, Business Process Outsourcing and Other Services business units within Services into the ABS business unit, and
5)    the transfer of the information management services business from Software to the ABS business unit within Services.
Personal Systems Group
PSG provides
      I.        commercial personal computers (PCs),
    II.        consumer PCs,
   III.        workstations,
  IV.        calculators and other related accessories,
    V.        oftware and services for the commercial and consumer markets.
Ø  The Company groups commercial notebooks, commercial desktops and workstations into commercial clients and
Ø  consumer notebooks and consumer desktops into consumer clients.
Commercial PCs include
A.    the HP ProBook and
B.    the HP EliteBook lines of notebooks and
C.   the Compaq Pro,
D.   Compaq Elite,
E.    HP Pro and
F.    HP Elite lines of business desktops, as well as the TouchSmart and Omni PCs,
G.   HP Mini-Note PCs, retail POS systems,
H.   HP Thin Clients and HP Slate Tablet PCs.
Consumer PCs include the HP and Compaq series of multi-media consumer notebooks, desktops and mini notebooks, including the TouchSmart line of touch-enabled all-in-one notebooks and desktops. PSG provides workstations that run on both Windows and Linux-based operating systems.

Services provide
1.    consulting,
2.    outsourcing and
3.    technology services across infrastructure,
4.    applications and business process domains.  
Services delivers to its clients by
Ø  leveraging investments in consulting and support professionals,
Ø  infrastructure technology,
Ø  applications,
Ø  standardized methodologies, and
Ø  global supply and delivery
. Services are divided into four main business units:
*      infrastructure technology outsourcing,
*      technology services,
*      applications services and
*      business process outsourcing.
Infrastructure Technology Outsourcing services encompass the data center and the workplace (desktop); network and communications; and security, compliance and business continuity.
It also offers a set of managed services. Technology Services provides support and consulting services, as well as warranty support across HP's product lines.
 HP's technology services offerings are available in the form of service contracts, pre-packaged offerings (HP Care Pack services) or on an individual basis.
The Company’s Applications Services encompass application development, testing, modernization, system integration, maintenance and management.
 Applications Services also provides technology consulting and systems integration solutions and services that use cloud computing, hybrid delivery, enterprise mobility, information management and real-time analytics.
 Business Process Outsourcing services includes both industry-specific and cross-industry solutions.
Its cross-industry solutions include a range of enterprise-shared services, customer relationship management services, financial process management services and administrative services.

Imaging and Printing Group(IPG)
IPG provides consumer and commercial printer hardware, supplies, media and scanning devices.
 IPG is also focused on imaging solutions in the commercial markets.
These solutions range from managed print services to capturing high-value pages in areas, such as
v  industrial applications,
v  outdoor signage, and
v  the graphic arts business.
 Inkjet and Web Solutions delivers HP's consumer and SMB inkjet solutions (hardware, supplies, media, web-connected hardware and services) and develops HP's retail publishing and Web businesses.
It includes single function and all-in-one inkjet printers targeted toward consumers and SMBs, as well as retail publishing solutions, Snapfish and ePrintCenter.
 LaserJet and Enterprise Solutions delivers products, services and solutions to the medium-sized business and enterprise segments,
Ø  LaserJet printers and supplies,
Ø  multi-function devices
Ø  , scanners,
Ø  Web-connected hardware and
Ø  services and
Ø  Enterprise software solutions, such as Exstream Software and Web Jetadmin.
Managed Enterprise Solutions provides managed print services products and solutions delivered to enterprise customers partnering with third-party software providers to offer workflow solutions in the enterprise environment.
 Graphics Solutions provides large format printing (Designjet and Scitex), large format supplies, WebPress supplies, Indigo printing, specialty printing systems and inkjet high-speed production solutions.
Graphic Solutions targets print service providers, architects, engineers, designers and industrial solution providers. Its printer supplies offerings include LaserJet toner and inkjet printer cartridges, graphic solutions ink products and other printing-related media.

Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking
ESSN provides server, storage and networking products in a number of categories.
The Company’s Converged Infrastructure portfolio of servers, storage and networking combined with HP Software's Cloud Service Automation software suite creates HP's CloudSystem.
This integrated solution enables enterprise and service provider clients to deliver infrastructure, platform and software as a service in a private, public or hybrid cloud environment.
 Industry Standard Servers offers primarily entry-level and mid-range ProLiant servers, which run primarily Windows, Linux and Novell operating systems and Intel Corporation (Intel) and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) processors.
The business spans a range of product lines that include pedestal-tower servers, density-optimized rack servers and HP's BladeSystem family of server blades.
The Company’s Business Critical Systems delivers Converged Infrastructure with a portfolio of HP Integrity servers based on the Intel Itanium processor that run the HP-UX and OpenVMS operating systems, as well as HP Integrity NonStop solutions.
 Business Critical Systems also offers HP's scale-up x86 ProLiant servers for scalability of systems.
 In addition, HP continues to support the HP9000 servers and HP AlphaServers by offering customers.
 The Company’s storage offerings include storage platforms for high-end, mid-range and small business environments.
Its flagship product is the HP 3PAR Utility Storage Platform, which is designed for virtualization, cloud and IT-as-a-service.
The Storage business has a range of products, including storage area networks, network attached storage, storage management software and virtualization technologies, StoreOnce data deduplication solutions, tape drives and tape libraries.
 Its switch, router, wireless local area network (LAN) and TippingPoint network security products deliver solutions for the data center, campus and branch networks. Its networking solutions are based on HP's FlexNetwork architecture.
HP Software
HP Software provides enterprise IT management software, information management solutions and security intelligence/risk management solutions.
Solutions are delivered in the form of software licenses or as software-as-a-service.
HP Software solutions enables IT organizations to manage infrastructure, operations, application life cycles, application quality and security, IT services, business processes, and structured and unstructured data.
HP Financial Services
HPFS supports HP's global product and service solutions, providing a range of financial life cycle management services.
 HPFS enables its worldwide customers to acquire IT solutions, including hardware, software and services.
The Company offers leasing, financing, utility programs and asset recovery services, as well as financial asset management services for global and enterprise customers.
HPFS also provides an array of specialized financial services to SMBs and educational and Governmental entities.

Corporate Investments
Corporate Investments includes
Ø  business intelligence solutions,
Ø  HP Labs,
Ø  webOS software and
Ø  certain business incubation projects.
 Business intelligence solutions enable businesses connect and share data across the enterprise and apply analytics. This segment also derives revenue from licensing specific HP technology to third parties.
The Company competes with
Ø  Dell, Inc.,
Ø  Acer Inc.,
Ø  Computer Inc.
Ø  , Apple Inc.,
Ø  Lenovo Group Limited,
Ø  Toshiba Corporation,
Ø  IBM Global Services,
Ø  Computer Sciences Corporation,
Ø  Accenture Ltd.,
Ø  Fujitsu Limited,
Ø  Wipro Limited,
Ø  Infosys Technologies Limited
Ø  , Tata Consultancy Services Ltd,
Ø  AG,
Ø  Oracle Corporation,
Ø  Microsoft Corporation,
Ø  Canon U.S.A., Inc.,
Ø  Lexmark International, Inc.
Ø  , Xerox Corporation,
Ø  Seiko Epson Corporation,
Ø  Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,
Ø  Brother Industries, Ltd.,
Ø  International Business Machines Corporation,
Ø  EMC Corporation,
Ø  NetApp, Inc.,
Ø  CA, Inc.,
Ø  BMC Software, Inc.,
Ø  Cisco, McAfee and IBM Global Financing.

Margaret Whitman

Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

Catherine Lesjak

Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

Martin Fink

Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, Director of HP Labs

Henry Gomez

Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Raymond Lane


Ann Livermore



Margaret Whitman

Ms. Margaret C. Whitman is Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett-Packard Company.

 Ms. Whitman has served as Chairman of the Board since July 2014, President and Chief Executive Officer since September 2011 and as a member of the Board since January 2011.

From March 2011 to September 2011, Ms. Whitman served as a part-time strategic advisor to Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a private equity firm.

Previously,  Ms. Whitman served as President and Chief Executive Officer of eBay Inc., an online marketplace and payments company, from 1998 to 2008.

Prior to joining eBay, Ms. Whitman held executive-level positions at Hasbro Inc., a toy company, FTD, Inc., a floral products company, The Stride Rite Corporation, a footwear company, The Walt Disney Company, an entertainment company, and Bain & Company, a consulting company.

Ms. Whitman also serves as a director of The Procter & Gamble Company and is a former director of Zipcar, Inc.

Martin Fink


Mr. Martin Fink serves as Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, Director of HP Labs of Hewlett-Packard Company, since November 2012.

Prior to that, he served as Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Business Critical Systems and Converged Application Systems from April 2005 to October 2012.

During his almost 30 year career at HP, Mr. Fink has worked in a wide range of roles across HP.

He also serves as a director of Hortonworks, Inc.

Henry Gomez


Mr. Henry Gomez serves Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of Hewlett-Packard Company, since August 2013.

Previously, he served as Chief Communications Officer and Executive Vice President from January 2012 to July 2013.

Prior to that, he ran HSG Communications, a consulting business that he founded in September 2008.

He also served on the leadership team of Ms. Whitman's gubernatorial campaign from February 2009 to November 2010

. For most of the previous decade, he worked at eBay Inc. in a variety of roles including Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications and President of Skype.

From September 2011 to September 2013 he served as a director of BJ's Restaurants, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College.

Raymond Lane


Dr. Raymond J. Lane Ph.D., is Director of Hewlett-Packard Company.

Mr. Lane served as executive Chairman of HP from September 2011 to April 2013 and as non-executive Chairman of HP from November 2010 to September 2011. Since April 2013,

Mr. Lane has served as Partner Emeritus of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a private equity firm, after having previously served as one of its Managing Partners from 2000 to 2013.

 Prior to joining Kleiner Perkins, Mr. Lane was President and Chief Operating Officer and a director of Oracle Corporation, a software company.

Before joining Oracle in 1992, Mr. Lane was a senior partner of Booz Allen Hamilton, a consulting company.

Prior to Booz Allen Hamilton, Mr. Lane served as a division vice president with Electronic Data Systems Corporation, an IT services company that HP acquired in 2008.

 Mr. Lane is also a director of several private companies and is a former director of Quest Software, Inc.

Ann Livermore


Ms. Ann M. Livermore is Director of Hewlett-Packard Company.

 Ms. Livermore served as Executive Vice President of the former HP Enterprise Business from 2004 until June 2011 and has served as an Executive Advisor to our CEO since then.

 Prior to that, Ms. Livermore served in various other positions with HP in marketing, sales, research and development, and business management since joining the company in 1982

. Ms. Livermore is also a director of United Parcel Service, Inc.